Changes to family allowances 2019

2019. aastal tõuseb lapsetoetus esimesele lapsele, muutub vanemahüvitise arvestusperiood ja lõpetatakse lapsehooldustasu määramine ning maksmine.

Child benefit for first child rises to €60 per month

2019. aastast on lapsetoetus pere esimese ja teise lapse kohta 60 eurot. Kui laps jätkab õpinguid, makstakse toetust selle jooksva õppeaasta lõpuni, millal laps saab 19-aastaseks. Alates kolmandast lapsest on lapsetoetus iga lapse eest 100 eurot kuus. Lisaks saab kolme või enamat last kasvatav pere 2017. aasta 1. juulist kehtima hakanud lasterikka pere toetust 300 eurot kuus.

The calculation period for parental benefit changes

From 1 September 2019, parental benefit will be calculated on the basis of the 12 calendar months preceding the pregnancy (9 months).

Who will be affected by the transition?

Whether or not you will be entitled to the new parental benefit depends on when you become entitled to it. The new arrangements will affect everyone whose entitlement to parental benefit arises from 1 September 2019.

Please noteentitlement to parental benefit starts on the day after the mother’s maternity leave ends (the maternity leave/period for which maternity benefit is paid by the Health Insurance Fund) – usually 70-110 calendar days after the birth of the child. If the mother did not work before the birth of the child and was therefore not entitled to maternity leave and/or maternity leave, the entitlement to parental benefit will start on the day of the birth of the child.

If you become entitled to benefits before 1 September 2019, you will not be affected by the change to the new system. – parental benefit will continue to be granted or paid as before.

We will also not recalculate the parental benefits previously awarded and will continue to pay them as they were.

You will therefore be affected if:

– the mother of the child did not work before the birth of the child and was therefore not entitled to maternity leave (maternity leave); and the child is born on or after 1 September 2019 .

– the mother of the child was working before the birth of the child and took maternity leave from her employer, and the maternity leave ends on or after 31 August 2019. (entitlement to parental benefit starts on the day after the end of the maternity leave, i.e. on or after 1 September 2019).

– the mother of the child was entitled to maternity benefit on other grounds (for example, self-employed) and her child was the period of receipt of the maternity allowance ends on or after 31 August 2019. (entitlement to parental benefit will start on the day after the end of the period of receipt of the maternity benefit, i.e. on or after 1 September 2019).

How is the amount of parental benefit calculated?

Example 1. In any case, if the child is born on 10 September 2019, the new rules will already apply and we will calculate parental benefit for the parents of that child according to the new rules. We subtract 9 whole months from the child’s month of birth, i.e. September 2019 = December 2018. The 12 calendar months preceding December 2018 are therefore taken into account. We calculate the amount of the parental allowance on the basis of the income earned in the period from 1 December 2017 to 30 November 2018.

Example 2. If the expected date of birth of the child is 14 May 2019 and the mother of the child goes to work before the birth of the child and is therefore entitled to maternity leave (maternity leave/maternity allowance).

It is up to the mother to decide when she takes maternity leave. This can be from a maximum of 70 to a maximum of 30 days before the expected date of birth. However, whether the amount of parental benefit is calculated under the old or the new rules may depend on this decision, as it determines when the maternity leave ends and entitlement to parental benefit arises.

If entitlement to parental benefit arises no later than 31 August 2019. , the amount of the parental benefit is calculated according to the current procedure – on the basis of the income of the calendar year preceding the year in which the entitlement to parental benefit arises. For example, if the entitlement arises on 31 August 2019, the amount of parental benefit will be calculated on the basis of the income for the calendar year before that date, i.e. 2018.

You can find a longer explanation of the procedure until 31.08.2019 with examples HERE.

From 1 September 2019, when the right to receive parental benefit arises. calculate the amount of parental benefit on a new basis. Under the new rules, we will always first subtract the 9 full calendar months preceding the month of the child’s birth (i.e. the average length of the pregnancy, regardless of whether the child was born on time, premature or carried for longer), and calculate parental benefit on the basis of the income of the 12 calendar months preceding the 9 months.

Also, if parental benefit is claimed by the father of the child, we calculate his benefit on the basis of the same period.

Let’s compare two situations:

How is parental benefit calculated in the case of successive births?

If a new child is born before the previous child has reached the age of 2 years and 6 months, the current arrangement of calculating the parental benefit at the amount most favourable to the parent will continue to apply.

This means comparing the income on which the previous child’s parental benefit was based with the income on which the second child’s parental benefit is based. The parental benefit is determined on the basis of the amount that is most useful to the parent.

Read more HERE.

From 1 September 2019, the childcare allowance will be abolished

Example 1. The baby will be born on 31.08.2019 and there is a 4-year-old child in the family. The old rules apply and for the birth of the second child, we will set the childcare allowance for both the newborn child (€38.36 per month) and the 4-year-old sibling (€19.18 per month). We will pay childcare allowance for both children from the date on which the parental benefit for the newborn child ends until the child reaches the age of 3, i.e. 31 August 2022.

Example 2. The child will be born on 1.09.2019 and the family will also have a 2-year-old child, for whom we already pay childcare allowance.

As the new child will be born after the new rules come into force, we will no longer pay childcare allowance for either child.

For a 2-year-old child, we will continue to pay the family childcare allowance on the old basis until we start paying parental benefit for the newborn child (this usually happens 70-110 days after the birth). From that point, we will stop paying childcare allowance for a 2-year-old child. This is because no childcare allowance is paid to the family at the same time as the parental allowance, and after the parental allowance has stopped, the older child will already be more than 3 years old and his/her entitlement to childcare allowance under the old rules will have ended.

Example 3. The child will be born on 01.09.2019 and there is a 4-year-old child in the family. No childcare allowance is payable for either child.

Childcare allowance is no longer paid for children born on or after 1.09.2019. The funds freed up from this will be gradually integrated by the state into a new system of parental benefits between 2020 and 2022. Read more about the planned changes HERE.

All families with a child born on 31 August 2019 at the latest will continue to receive childcare allowance under the old system.

Childcare allowance will also continue to be paid to anyone who is already receiving childcare allowance on 31 August 2019, or to whom we have previously awarded it.

The childcare allowance will continue to be paid until the end of the period of entitlement or until 31 August 2024 at the latest.

The amount of the childcare allowance is €38.36 per month from the end of the period of receipt of parental benefit until the child reaches the age of 3. If there are 3 to 8 children in the family, a childcare allowance of €19.18 per child per month is also payable. Families with 3 or more children are entitled to childcare allowance (€19.18) for all children up to the age of 8.

Please note that parental benefit and childcare allowance are not paid to the same family at the same time – so during the period when parental benefit is paid to a family for one child, childcare allowance is suspended for all children in the family.
